LIGHT DRAWINGS | Drawings | 2015
Artist: Lina López
12 graphite drawings on paper.
“Any prevision is a vision”.
Henri Bergson
12 drawings of solar and lunar luminosity that represent or cover the twelve months of 2015 from data that indicates the hours of sunrise and sunset on Earth.The main purpose of these drawings is to illustrate the projection of the path of three celestial bodies or the equation that represents them through its light.
When making these drawings, the artist “orders” time to go 10 times faster, 100 times, 1000 times faster to be able to visualize and represent astral movements that occur during a year that has not begun. Time as we understand it today is an equation with fixed intervals of motion and when accelerating or decreasing them, the data remains within the same equation and the ratio, or result, remain the same. Since having preset data means nothing changes, the operation can therefore be executed. The artist can make time go faster or less faster because within the psychological duration of a few seconds, you can insert imaginary durations of many years, centuries or even the duration of astronomical time. This is exactly the operation or journey in time, in its duration and not only in its interval, in which the artist submerges to perform this work. The consciousness of the artist would then be in the same state in which an astronomer puts their imaginary self; they could see in the present what the astronomer sees in the future. In fact,, if the astronomer foresees a future phenomenon, it’s under the condition of making it to some extent a present phenomenon, or at least diminishing the interval that separates us from the phenomenon, making it more immediate. The drawings are the product of this approach.
The journey of the artist is multidimensional: The numbers of a table come out of their equation, from their bars to make them a representation of light, or movement through the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and the year simultaneously. Within each picture, there are a series of sticks representing the sun, always constant, and other ‘sticks’ representing the moon and its phases, with varying intensities. The Drawing makes evident the movement of the earth with respect to these two stars: The earth moves around the sun and the Moon moves around the earth.
A process not only imaginary, but brought to the present through the exercise itself and its duration, finally shaped as a pattern of light in the present.
“The power of Light and Shadow is wondrous: even as they blend in all things and form part of everything that can be perceived, it also seems that they manifest themselves as what Plato knew of as the soul of the World, as the cause and origin of all perceivable Facts and strange operations. And yet, only he who achieves the judicious combination of all their elements shall know it”.
Ramón Llull